Air freight
リストの画像We are dealing almost of all air lines for choosing the most reliable services for several kinds of traffic/merchandise.
Of course, it is not only for export from Japan but also import to Japan including all kinds of different customs procedure.
We are covering all international airports in Japan with support of our good partners at each air port. This is providing another good point for our
partners in the world since they are do all jobs/tasks only by one contact in Japan.
Sea freight
リストの画像We are keeping close contact with several shipping lines who is calling Japan.
It is not only container carriers but also RO/RO and Bulk carriers.
We are covering all sea ports in Japan with local partners who has big knowledge and history in each area.
of course, they are keeping good relation with local customs offices, other governmental offices and port agent.
Those good relations are providing the best services for both of export and import business.
Domestic service
リストの画像For all transaction, we are able to provide additional service which are based on good personal/company relation.
Main concerned are :
Ship supply logistic control - not only for cargo ship but also all cruise vessels who is calling Japan.
Heavy lift handling - it is including installation of new machines and also dis-assemble used machine to re-export or move factory.
Several times, special permits from governmental offices are needed and we have already set up those procedures with our local partners.
Important information for sea freight - AFR
AFR (Advance Filing Rules) are for all sea freight import. Japan has started this AFR from March 2014. This oblige shipping companies and NVOCC to submit detailed information on maritime container cargoes loaded on a vessel intended to enter a port in Japan, to Japanese Customs no later than 24 hours before departure of the vessel from a port of loading in foreign countries. In case of any forwarders issue a House Bill of Lading by themselves, they are obliged to submit the full information required by the AFR. In case of shipping any LCL cargoes, co-loaders or any other forwarders who issue a House Bill of Lading must submit those information.
If no cargo information is filed until the deadline, the Japanese Customs Law prescribes a penalty of fine or imprisonment, and the cargo can not be unloaded without the permission of discharge by the Customs.

You can get more information of AFR at the website "" where you can make the advance filing.

We are ready to act as a service provider to make the pre-departure filing to the Customs on behalf of you in case any service provider for AFR is not available at your loading side.
If you have any queries or require additional help, you can contact us.
Company profile
リストの画像Company name : H & C SHIPPING CO., LTD.
Address : 1-2-7 5F, Nihonbashi Ningyo-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0013 Japan
Tel/Fax : Tel 81-3-5623-6011 Fax 81-3-5623-6013
Home page : http;//
Establish : January 1999
Capital : JPY22,000,000.-
President : Matt Isshiki
E-mail :
Company registration code in Japan : 010001050010